TREC LICENSE # 0303291
mAIN oFFICE 210-692-0990
| Seller's Guide Maximize your price and minimize your hassles Step 6: Close It It might seem as though once a sale agreement has been signed that the selling process is complete. Not only is it not over yet, but some of the most complex aspects of a real estate transaction now begin. A sale agreement sets not only a purchase price for the home, but also a series of terms and conditions. For instance:
The REALTOR® typically arranges required inspections and helps the owner prepare for closing. When should you close? While instant closings are not practical, neither are closings too far in the future. The problem with closings much past 60 days is that loan rates are difficult to lock in. If mortgage rates go up, it's possible that the buyer will no longer be able to afford the home and thus the deal may fall through. The result of these considerations is that most homes close 30 to 45 days after a sale agreement has been signed. What happens? The closing agent reviews the sale agreement to determine what payments and credits the owner should receive and what amounts are due from the buyer. The closing agent also assures that certain transaction costs are paid (taxes and title searches). Closing is also the time when "adjustments" will be made. For instance, suppose you've pre-paid taxes four months in advance. In this case, the closing agent will compensate you for the prepayment at closing by having the buyer pay you additional money. It could also work in reverse. If you are behind on property taxes, the closing agent will reduce the money due to you at settlement by the amount of the unpaid taxes. How do you prepare to sell? The closing agent will handle both the settlement papers and related documents.
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