CASCO Gazette
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Real Estate Update 2001 CASCO Web ChangesThis is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.
CASCO Press ReleasesThese are the press releases we've issued over the last year. You may want to search for topics by keyword.
Media Coverage - Casanova Companies
REALTORS ASSOCIATION of NEW MEXICO 52nd ANNUAL CONVENTION - 2000 Ruidoso, New Mexico September 14-15-16, 2000 Topic – "International Real Estate Trends – Do’s & Don’t Mexico Real Estate" Three hour Presentation including, Jacob R. Casanova, César Paredes and Ted Jones. Sept. 15, 2000 Topic – "Expand Your Market – International Real Estate" Four hour Presentation including Lic. César Paredes - Sept. 16, 2000 XXIX NATIONAL REAL ESTATE CONGRESS DE LA ASOCIACION MEXICANA DE PROFESIONALES INMOBILIARIOS, A. C. - MEXICO - 2000 Annual Convention September 6-7-8-9, 2000. One day program "Achieving Success in Real Estate Operations in México" One hour presentation by Jacob R. Casanova ""25 Years Doing Business in México" Léon, Guanajuato, México. AUSTIN ASSOCIATION of REALTORS – AUSTIN, TEXAS - 2000 The International Council held panel discussion entitled "Real Estate Transactions between the U.S. and Mexico: Opportunities and Pitfalls," focusing on real estate opportunities in Mexico, as well as how to sell U.S. property to our foreign friends. The Mexico / U.S. panel discussion included Jacob R. Casanova, held on August 31 from 10 a.m. to noon in the AUSTIN BOARD of REALTORS Auditorium. NAR MID YEAR BUSINESS MEETING - WASHINGTON, D.C. - 2000 REALTORS Land Institute Leadership Luncheon Topic – " How To Do Real Estate Business in México" Forty-Five minute Presentation including Jacob R. Casanova and Lic. César Paredes - May 18, 2000. TENTH ANNUAL OUTLOOK for TEXAS RURAL LAND MARKETS - BRYAN, TEXAS 2000 Texas Real Estate Center at Texas A & M University Topic – "Buyers and Sellers in Texas Land Markets" Panel Speaker one hour Presentation, Panelist & Panel Monitor Jacob R. Casanova was held March 24, 2000 A.M.P.I. MONTERREY SECCION INSTALLATION of OFFICERS– MEXICO 2000 Topic – "Update on Real Estate Law Changes in Texas – Broker Fees to Mexico" Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Speaker for AMPI Installation Breakfast Meeting presentations - January 28, 2000 INAUGURAL of MEXICO REALTORS LAND INSTITUTE CHAPTER – MEXICO 2000 Topic – "Update on Real Estate Law Changes in Texas – Broker Fees to Mexico" Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Speaker for RLI Installation Luncheon Meeting presentations - January 28, 2000 TEXAS / LOUISIANA OF REALTORS ANNUAL CONVENTION/ SAN ANTONIO, TX.- 1999 Texas & Louisiana Realtors Land Institute General Membership Program - "How to Handle Real Estate Business in Mexico" Speaker for one hour presentation August, 1999 San Antonio, Texas, USA DALLAS INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE SYMPOSIUM – DALLAS, TEXAS -1998 Topic – "How to do Business in Mexico" Speaker for one hour presentation - November 19, 1998 Dallas, Texas, USA. Program awarded s "The 1999 Education Program of the Year" by the Texas Association of Realtors. Program awarded "The 1999 International Program of the Year" by the NAR International Network Section. VII FOTO INMOBILIARIO A.M.P.I. GUADALAJARA SECCION – MEXICO - 1997 Topic – "American Realtors and Investors doing Business in Mexico" Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Speaker for one hour presentation August 22,1997. AMPI Guadalajara Association of Realtors Regional Congress. SAN ANTONIO BOARD OF REALTORS – 1997 Second International Forum Topic – "How to do Business in Mexico" San Antonio, Texas, USA. One day program - Speaker & Monitor. Held at the San Antonio Board of REALTORS Auditorium. ABILENE BOARD of REALTORS - 1996 Topic – "Expand Your Market – International Real Estate" Speaker for three hour presentation September 18, 1996 Abilene Board of REALTORS Auditorium. Abilene, Texas, USA SAN ANTONIO BOARD OF REALTORS – 1994 First International Forum Topic – "How to do Business in Mexico" One day program - Speaker & Monitor, held at the San Antonio Board of REALTORS Auditorium. San Antonio, Texas, USA ![]() |
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